Sunday, July 06, 2008

July Fourth... When You're Not American...


Good fun, particularly when your guests are only able to sing Bye Bye Miss American Pie instead of the Star Spangled Banner in celebration of the Big Day.

And your fireworks are reduced to one sparkler on top of a pile of cookies...


My ambitions never quite lives up to Martha Stewart's expectations...

Do they??


JPK said...

It looks like a very British interpretation of her perfection.

I approve.

Here is what I made for the 4th:

Helen said...

I can't believe you made the Summer Shortcake!! The recipe is still sitting by my computer lacking the buttermilk at the eleventh hour to follow through with!! Great minds...

JPK said...

I made another one over the weekend.

While well-received, I wasn't as happy with the one I made for July 4th.

The reason for that is that the strawberries I procured weren't as tasty as they ought to have been.

I am perhaps splitting some fine hairs but I think it really does make a difference for the shortcake, in this instance.

So, be sure to get some very pristine strawberries if you do make it.

I think blueberries are a little more hardy in that they will be good for the most part, in spite of source or relative age.

JPK said...

And if you do indeed decide to do cutouts on the top layer, I found it useful to spray the cutters with a non-stick vegetable spray; butter or whatever product you prefer, to prevent things sticking to a pan, ought to work fine, as well.