Not least of all because I found out that my throwaway 'Of course you're welcome for Christmas lunch' to the Boy's parents was taken as a sincere invitation rather than a throwaway 'Of course my hostessing skills are up to it, but you're not seriously going to test them are you' I intended, and because everywhere I look people seem to be discussing turkeys, I can now be found devouring (visually, that is) menus, discussions and blogs on the annual binges that are Thanksgiving and Christmas...
Erin of Dressaday, whom I have
previously adulated from these hallowed pages, has brought to my attention the supremely terrifying Turducken... I can only hope she's in jest, but then I feel slightly out of touch with America, having grown up there, but only returned twice for two gluttonous weeks attempting to channel my inner (chubbier) 10year old self. Turducken, for those who missed the 'features' in
Food TV Network and
Wall Street Journal, is a a semi-boneless turkey stuffed with duck and chicken with layers of delicious stuffing between each bird. The lovely people at
Cajun Food also offer the artery quashing Popeye's, which is a deep marinated, slow roasted and crispy fried whole turkey. Can you imagine how much oil you'd need for that?!
As usual, my research has led me to two places:
Nigella Lawson and the
BBC. I think I may officially be
BRITISH. Nigella will be providing the wonderfulness of her gingerbread cake that went down very well last year, and the BBC will be providing everything else. I can heartily recommend their site, where you can scale up and down the six menus that various chefs have compiled, as well as printing out a decorated menu for your guests' perusals. It's a damn clever piece of software at its most basic and very best.
This year I'm tending towards a
hot ham. I am, however, open to persuasion...Suggestions on a postcard...