Walking again this weekend in Surrey

Pure spring in a train trip... Watts Gallery was beautiful and a sweet diversion...
The tea shop next to the gallery did a mean selection of sandwiches and the most delicious scones and condiments. The question is this...
On the subject of scone serving...
Jam on cream or cream on jam?
The girls were unanimous in their theory that the cream served as a form of butter and therefore should go first aesthetically, but upon demonstration by a boy that the cream is superior on the tastebuds, had to admit that, orally, the cream on top method is preferable.
I, being stubborn, held my ground.
It got messy.
What is your position...?
I had an Anglophile friend (long departed from this world) who used to INSIST that it was either cream OR jam, and that to have both was just gluttony.
Me personally, I like the cream on the pastry first.
Jam first, then LASHINGS of cream. That way you can fit more cream on.
I think I've read somewhere that one method is the Cornwall method and one is the Devon method, but I can't for the life of me remember which is which...
Here you are
Jam first! Although the other way does look prettier, this way is clearly preferable in the mouth. And Cornwall is far superior to Devon ;)
In that case, bring on the gluttony, Dennis!!xx
I'm a fan of gluttony too. Virtue may be its own reward, but jam and cream together trump virtue. I am making a note to myself to try the Cornish application the next time I'm presented with the delightful (and here in the States, fairly infrequent) combination of scone, clotted cream and jam.
definitely jam then cream! always the more solid item first with lighter one on top, i've never understood how anyone get the jam on top of the cream without squishing off all the cream. Now I'm seriously hungry... I'm gonna melt some honey and mix in some yogurt. Yum.
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