Friday, February 02, 2007

Present Ideas

Trawling the net for Gorgeously inspiration, mirrormirror buying inspiration and general pretty things, I have had to set up a Favourites tab labelled Present Ideas to house all the little ideas that I would like to think I can return to one day.

I think it only fair that I share some of these delicious finds with you...
  • Aunty Cookie's gorgeous drawings in Etsy are a delicious use of fabric and wallpaper

  • Hidden Art, recommended by many and found by few, is an inspiring receptacle of British craft in every one of its modern, instructional and empowering senses. Very few of the products break the bank balance either. This candelabra makes me extraordinarily happy and is beyond bargainous at £16.00

  • One day I shall get married. And when I do, my sister will be given this as her present for being my bridesmaid. She is everything I never was at school: popular, funky fashionable (I was always handmade fashionable which everyone knows is completely different) and incredibly good at sports. Oh and all the boys love her. This could not be better.

  • London is full of fabulous events happening every day. Bank Aldwych did a Sunday Cinema deal of brunch and a period movie. They've now moved on to Brunch with Jazz. When I have an income worth talking about, the Boy will be getting this as a present. For now, it's me, a cup of tea and a bagel at the weekend.

  • One day I shall have a desk. With embossed stationary. And pretty fresh flowers every day. On that day, the stationary will be provided by Cecine. Or perhaps Cheree Berry. Or maybe both...
Decisions... decisions....

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